1. for children who have difficulty with spelling encoding, may be useful to tape the alphabet line angle on Office for easy reference.
2. students with gravomotor problems should extend the time to complete written assignments and/or decrease in production volume. For example, if the exercise look correctly utilize walmshk provisions or password, the student should submit in written form so that he has only to correct this, instead of writing and correct it. Also, if the assignment is to answer questions at the end of the chapter on social studies, the student should apply only to write the answers, not all questions and answers. Additionally, it should allow State in short phrases answers. In other words, if the subject is assessed knowledge the information provided in this chapter social studies, this should be assessed, how competent student by material type, or how much typing interferes with its ability to demonstrate or knowledge for social studies.
3. children in difficulty in handwriting you need to have the opportunity to provide oral answers to exercises, quizzes and tests.
4. learning to write useful for these students. Writing assignments should be done in stages. Initially, only child will focus on generating ideas. Next, it will regulate or ideas. Finally, the student attends to mechanical and grammatical rules dictate. Computer programs are available in the spelling and grammar.
5. students with problems gravomotor needs to provide the information before the Council or the overhead in written form, such as brochures or teacher Xerox copies of pleadings other students.
6. should provide children with problems handwriting charts so that didn't have lectures or material layer itself. This becomes especially important in junior high level.
7. parents should be the opportunity to purchase an additional set of textbooks to highlight, in particular with regard to the content area topics. Also, you may notice the bostates and then can suspend bostates on larger paper.
8. be often used alternative classification systems for children with problems gravomotor. At one level would give the appearance of the mechanics of writing, and second to comprehensive content.
9. when writing, it may be useful for the student to identify errors and correct these special/after learning of specific strategies for doing so. Then it will list or the the most common errors in a workbook and return to this list when deals.
10. the school personnel to slow work habits are often a result of difficulties gravomotor, reflecting the lack of motivation.
11. electronic devices, such as "Franklin speaking Spelling Ace" may be useful for students with handwriting problems.